For example, a developer can send his exact development image into test. 例如,开发人员可以提交其确切的开发镜像进行测试。
Research on Exact Histogram Specification and Image Enhancement Through Wavelet 利用小波变换的精确直方图规定化技术的研究
Now, we have exact duplicate of the image in one single layer. 现在,我们已经精确的图像重复一单层。
What this means is that dragging a transparent outline or a thumbnail of the object may be much better than actually dragging an exact image of the source object or data. 两轮拖拉机配套农具这就是说,在源和目标操作中拖动源对象的透明轮廓要比拖动源对象完全动画的精确图像要好得多。
In order to acquire the clear and exact image of the ground object, the focus position of space camera should be adjusted according to the variety of the mechanism. 为使空间相机获得清晰准确的地面目标图像,相机需要依据结构变化对焦面位置进行调整。
A model will be used to create an exact image of the original in size and detail. 一个模型将被用于创建一个原来的规模和细节的精确图像。
He was wearing a dark suit with a tie scrupulously knotted, an exact image of the way he dresses for decades. 基辛格博士身着一套深色西装,一丝不苟地打着领带,与他几十年来给人留下的装扮印象不差分毫。
Results The thin-plate spline was used to realize fast and exact non-rigid registration of medical image. 结果利用薄板样条实现了医学图像的快速准确非刚性配准。
The wavelet multi-scale analysis can detect edge points in different scale and get the exact position of image edge. 小波多尺度分析可以在不同尺度下分析图像边缘信息获得准确的边缘定位。
This paper presented a new method, the Radon shell graphic method, it was based on the property of Radon transform and the general formula for the exact 3D CT image reconstruction from the cone beam projection. 基于3DRadon变换的性质和三维锥束CT精确图像重建的一般公式,提出了一种在锥束源点轨迹给出之后确定物体精确重建域(ERR)的方法&Radon壳图解法。
In PCB visual inspection systems, the image acquisition quality, fast and exact recognition of defective image are crucial for on-line inspection. A new PCB visual inspection system is designed and realized. 在印刷电路板(PCB)视觉检测系统中,图象提取的质量和对瑕疵图象的快速而准确的识别是达到实时检测的关键因素。
Conclusion: MR phase-contrast cine technique is a reliable method to measure cerebral blood flow velocity in terms of both feasibility and accuracy. The accuracy is based on the appropriate scan parameter, exact image post-process and transform function. 结论:磁共振相位对比电影法是一种有效的脑血流定量技术,选择适当的扫描参数、准确的图像后处理及转换函数是确保该方法测量准确性的基础。
In the last few years, there have been significant breakthroughs in the development of mathematically exact and innovative methods for image reconstruction from parallel-beam, fan-beam and cone-beam projection data. 近几年,关于平行束、扇束、锥束CT精确重建的研究取得了一系列重要的突破和创新成果。
The model introduced genetic algorism into SVM, so it can adaptively adjust kernel parameters of SVM and obtain exact image information. 该算法将遗传算法引入支持向量机中,在自学习的过程中,能够自动调整SVM的核参数,获取准确的图像信息。
Perfect physical examination and exact image examination were the main means of diagnosis for splenic tumors. 完善的体检和准确的影像学检查是提高脾脏肿瘤检出率的主要手段。
In this paper the computation method of coherent data cube and the exact image of fault and special geologic body in data cube are described. It shows a good prospect of application of the coherent attribute body. 该文描述了相干数据体计算法,以及断层和特殊地质体在相干数据体上的准确成像,展示了相干属性体的良好应用前景。
The more exact object image law of reflection image on axial spherical surface is presented, the lateral magnification and aberration are discussed. 本文给出了二级近似时近轴球面反射成像的物象规律,进而讨论了横向放大率与像差。
In view of the key point of exact digitalized description of image in image processing, chain codes table and line segment table are adopted to describe data structure of feature vector. 针对图像进行准确数字化描述是计算机图像处理的关键问题。在图像特征提取过程中,采用链码表和线段表描述特征向量的数据结构。
SOMP Geometric Exact Correction Method of TM Image TM图像的SOMP几何纠正法
As the coupling effect exists between different subareas in the EIT system, though it can be partially compensated by limiting the iteration times, the iterative algorithms based on sensitivity matrix have their intrinsic limitations, and do not pertain to exact image reconstruction. 由于不同子区域间的耦合效应,尽管控制迭代次数可实现部分补偿,但基于灵敏度定理的迭代重建算法仍有其局限性,难于重建精确图像。
To exploit exact corner information from remote sensing image, an improved corner detected algorithm has been developed in this paper. 另外为了得到准确的道路角点信息,还对该文算法中用到的角点检测方法进行了改进。
At present, image processing technology is becoming widely used in military domain, exact image segmentation and edge detection are the important basis of achieving precise image guidance. 目前,图像处理技术在军事领域得到了越来越广泛的应用,准确的图像分割和边缘提取是实现精确制导的重要基础。
It aims at getting more exact and more comprehensive image description of the same scene or object by integrating the information of the multi-source images. 图像融合的目的是对多幅图像进行有效的信息提取与综合,从而获得对同一场景或目标信息更准确、更全面、更可靠的描述。
The ways which are based on differential operator, linear filter and wavelet transform are applied to exact the edge of the enhanced image in the paper. Then the exaction effects are compared. 文章分别采用基于微分算子、基于线性滤波和基于小波变换的边缘提取方式对增强后的印痕图像进行边缘提取处理,并对提取结果进行了对比。
Translators project themselves into the SL texts and the writers, experiencing contemplation and feedback to have the exact image and then to reproduce them. 译者把自己投射到源语文本和作者中,再经历了凝神沉思、反馈,形成比较准确的意象,用目的语再现原文风貌。
It is very difficult that retrieving the given image from huge medical image database by manual work. So we need the exact and effective medical image retrieval by computer. 以人工的方式从庞大的医学图像数据库中寻找特定的图像是很困难的,所以,我们需要使用计算机对医学图像进行准确有效的检索。
Based on classical edge detection arithmetic, obtained the exact size of image with sub-pixel least-square method. 在经典边缘检测算子的基础上,进行亚像素级的最小二乘拟合,得到图像局部区域的精确尺寸。
Analysis of the environmental which impacts the system, such as light, shape of the mold or other factors, an exact image threshold is presented through trial. 3. 分析了影响本系统的环境因素,如,光照、模具的形状等,经过多次重复性试验,选取了较为准确的图像阈值。
When the image is polluted in a large scale, it is more possible to work out exact directed graph by this arithmetic than traditional algorithms and gain more clear-cut, exact fingerprint image by filtering. 当指纹图像出现大面积污染时,由于大邻域窗口中信息量大,采用此算法仍有较大可能得出准确的方向图,据此进行滤波,就能得到更加清晰、准确的指纹图像。